Wenqing Cui

A short introduction

Hello and welcome to my personal page! I am proud to share with you a journey that intertwines rigorous academics with a passion for engineering innovation.

I embarked on this path at the esteemed Harbin Institute of Technology, where from 2019 to 2023, I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Information Engineering. My commitment to excellence was reflected in my GPA of 88/100, placing me in the top 10% of my class. This foundation equipped me with a deep understanding of electronics and information systems, setting the stage for a lifelong pursuit of technological advancement.

Currently, I am honing my skills as a Master’s student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

My academic pursuits are more than just a path to a degree; they are a testament to my dedication to contributing to the field of engineering. I invite you to explore my portfolio, where you’ll find a blend of academic achievements and projects that encapsulate my enthusiasm for creating a smarter and more efficient future through engineering.

Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you!

Research Interests:

  • CV
  • mmWave Radar

Selected Journal Publications

Xiang Feng , Tao liu, Wenqing Cui, Fengcong li, Yinan Zhao (2022). Handwriting Number Recognition Based on Millimeter-wave Radar with Dual-view Feature Fusion Network. *Journal of Electronics & Information Technology.

Xiang Feng , Tao liu, Wenqing Cui,et al (2022). Robust Phase-coded Waveform Design with Low Range Sidelobes Using Particles Filter Assisted Projection Method. *International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing.

Xiang Feng , Zhanfeng Zhao, Fengcong Li, Wenqing Cui, Yinan Zhao(2022). Radar Waveform Design with Cognitive Local Low Range Sidelobes Based on Particles Swarm Assisted Projection Optimization. *Remote Sensing, link

For more information

More info about Wenqing Cui can be found in CV or downloaded CV.